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Rule Trend Themes

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World Education

New technologies are emerging, and our learning is changing dramatically.


While these advances are taking place, there are still people who are unable to receive an education, and because of this, disparities are widening and discrimination in education is becoming more serious.

Learning is a great joy for human beings and a right open to all, and RuleWatcher will provide hints on what learning is, targeting not only children to students, but also "global education" for all.

Image by Alessio Lin

Intelligent Vehicle

All over the world, automated driving technology is being developed.

This extends not only to land, but also to the oceans and the skies. Advances in automated driving technology will lead to smarter logistics and new industries, such as car sharing, will be born one after another.

For such technologies to be implemented in society, rules are necessary, and RuleWatcher allows users to see the rule trends for "vehicles that move based on artificial intelligence. 

The "Intelligent Vehicle" rule trend is not only a vehicle issue. It is also connected to the larger theme of how we humans and machines will need to coexist in the future.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 1st of October, 2022)

Intelligent Vehicle

Food System

Our food system has been globalized than ever before.

This is not only for the food we eat directly, but also for the feed for livestock and chemical fertilizers used in agriculture, which are no longer solely produced in our own countries.

The recent large-scale agriculture, livestock, and fishing industries are extremely unbalanced. While producing enough to feed the earth's population of nearly 8 billion people, they actually result in massive waste and starvation on the other hand.

Behind the food system, labor rights violations, deforestation, land degradation, water depletion and pollution pose an imminent danger to us all.

The food system is both the source of and the solution to the problem, for climate crisis and biodiversity. Now is the time to change the way we have been doing and seeing things, and we invite you to find the way forward from RuleWatcher.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 5th of June, 2022)

Food System

Micro Plastics

In recent years, the plastic waste problem has been gaining attention.
Every year, plastics as the same amount as 50,000 airplanes flow out into the ocean, and it is estimated that 150 million tons of plastic are accumulated in the world's ocean.


In this trend, alternative materials are also appearing, while they are not yet the radical solutions. For example, most plant-derived plastics use edible parts such as corn, and biodegradable plastics are not decomposed as easily as you imagine because they require severe decomposition conditions such as temperature.


Plastics have a number of benefits, such as to keep gloceries edible for longer time, to be a support for hygiene in medical fields, and to reduce transportation energy with their light weight. What is the optimal solution to the circulated structure that creates a new problem when one issue is solved? We need to gather wisdom intersectionally to overcome the situation.

Let us use RuleWatcher to find hints together.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Micro Plastics

Climate Mitigation

There have been finally certain amount of attention from the world on this issue. Many countries made policies, but the actual reduction is far on the way.

While new technologies such as hydrogen energy and CCUS appeared, there is little time left until 2030, which is said to be the turning point of climate change. Let us explore what we can do with RuleWatcher to prevent the unsustainable future predicted by the frequent natural disasters of recent years, from becoming a reality.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Climate Mitigation
Climate Adaptation

Climate Adaptation

The effects of climate change are becoming more serious in every corner of the world. Today, we are facing wild fluctuations in temperature, floods, droughts, crop shortages, changes in the distribution areas of plants and animals, and increased health hazards.


Apart from measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (climate mitigation), the prevention and reduction of damage caused by climate change is called "climate adaptation," and is an important part of countermeasures for climate change.

The fields affected by climate change, such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, civil engineering, and medical care, are extremely diverse, and it is becoming more and more important for the various parties and experts involved to work together and collaborate beyond expertises.


RuleWatcher provides information on the topic from various countries so that a wide range of specialists can come together to come up with effective measures for tackling climate adaptation.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)


Water Issues

Water is indispensable for our lives. Since water itself circulates on the earth, it will not disappear, but fresh water is rapidly decreasing. One of the reasons is agriculture, which supports human population of 7 billion. Large-scale irrigated agriculture that draws groundwater is carried out all over the world and the crops are exported to other countries due to the recent globalization of food consumption.


There are 263 cross-border rivers called "international rivers" in the world, and it is said that 40% of the world's population lives in that basin. If a dam is built upstream, the amount of water will decrease. Pollution threatens the health of the lower reaches. The risk of conflict over these key international rivers is rapidly increasing.


RuleWatcher is always on the lookout on water issue, our common property. .


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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Water Issues


It is estimated that between 1992 and 2014, the global stock of natural capital per capita fell by nearly 40% and the extinction rate of living things is the highest in the whole history of living things, which is still continuing to increase. In parallel, there is an incremental number of livestock. In fact, when looking at mammals on the ground by weight, there is a surprising calculation that 96% is livestock, while only 4% left for the rest of the mammals.

How can we correct the imbalance between human demand and natural supply? How should we protect the existing nature and regenerate the nature that has already been damaged?

RuleWatcher will provide relevant information and place for discussion so that this unsustainable relationship with nature will not be passed on to future generations.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Circuler Economy

Circular Economy

How to make the world sustainable. One of the answers is the circular economy. For 250 years since the Industrial Revolution, we have collected, processed, used and disposed of resources. It is said that breaking out of the current linear economy is the cornerstone of SDGs.


There is a need for an overall design that does not generate any waste or pollution, rather than such singular concept as "recycling" or "3Rs". Relying on renewable energy, minimizing the use of harmful substances and repairing the products again and again. For that, it is necessary to secure an acquisition route for recycled materials, a tracking system for materials and parts, and product specifications that may be disassembled.


We live in an era that conventional wisdom becomes insane. It is a risk, but also a huge business opportunity. Please take advantage of the trends of the global circular economy delivered by RuleWatcher for both your job and personal life.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)



Blockchain is said to be the most revolutionary technology since the Internet. A simple explanation of blockchain is that it is a system for managing a ledger of transactions that is synchronized across many computers. It has a structure that when a single change is added to its "block"(information), a ledger will be "chained".

There are many things that can be achieved when it becomes clear to whom a certain value currently belongs and what the transaction history was in the past. For example, it will be possible to record the details of the supply chain, such as where and how the materials for a product were made, processed, transported, and disposed of. It will also allow rights holders to be properly compensated for things that can be easily reproduced, such as digital content.


The world of finance is said to have the greatest affinity with such digital technology and the bitcoin already gained a status. You have probably heard that El Salvador became the first country in the world to declare bitcoin a "legal tender.


However, the blockchain technology, which the evolution is so speedy, still has its challenges such as optimal usage, environmental impact as seen in the massive power consumption, and above all, governance.


Blockchain has the potential to change the way we live. Let us find out how the rules will be formed with RuleWatcher.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Beyond Capitalism

Beyond Capitalism

It has been said that the system based on capitalism has a limitation, considering the fact that the economic gaps between countries and individuals become larger and larger.

Worldwide, not only short-term solutions such as the basic income and the counter-action for tax heaven, but also radical change of the whole discourse and destination of the capital itself are being discussed - how should we reset the goals which take GDP as granted.

How should we deal with money that dominates our society? How should we sustain public resources such as water, air, open sea and universe that do not belong to anyone? How should we accelerate mutual assistance, besides public assistance? We catch up with those ranges of issues in Beyond Capitalism.

Basic Income was renewed to be Beyond Capitalism in order to collect more range of information, from 10th of August, 2021.


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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Corporate Human Rights

Corporate Human Rights

In the UK, amendments are being sought to strengthen the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (as of March 2022).

Slave labor is not a historical event; it still continues in mines, farms, and aquaculture. Many people may be surprised to hear that the number of slaves is the largest today in history. 

Human rights issues in the rapidly globalizing supply chain are becoming more serious. Needless to say, if companies do not pay attention to human rights, they will not be able to avoid being condemned by the international community.


The International Labour Organization (ILO) calls decent work "productive work that protects rights, generates sufficient income, and provides adequate social protection" and considers it an important concept.

Let RuleWatcher provide you with the latest information on corporate human rights issues so that this simple definition can be applied to all people's work.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Universal Human Rights

Universal Human Rights

"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood." (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)


It was in 1948 that this declaration was adopted. Coincidentally, this was exactly 100 years after the 1848 revolution that swept across Europe. 
Twenty-eight years later, in 1976, "the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" finally came into force as a multilateral treaty based on the Declaration.

Through this long process, international cooperation on human rights has gradually been achieved. However, the continuous violation of human rights around the world is a sad reality that confirms the weakness of the effectiveness of the treaty.


In RuleWatcher, we follow the progress of human rights around the world, which is a long-cherished dream of humanity but still has a long way to go, and support citizens who aim to create a society where all people can live as a matter of course.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable Finance

Sustainable finance represented for instance by ESG investment is catching more and more attention.


It became widely known that investment in companies that are more conscious of social responsibility has stable results even during the financial crisis and recession, and the amount of investment is growing rapidly even in the Corona pandemic.

Meanwhile, there are problems that we have to deal with so called green wash and SDGs wash, and that the companies must understand the newly emerging standards published by random institutions.


Gradually, though, those indicators come into one and now rapidly be on the way to the global standardization. 

RuleWatcher Enterprise provides you such vital information on disclosures of sustainable finance mainly on ESG investment.

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Portion of tags we have in RuleWatcher(As of 22nd of February, 2022)

Privacy Protection

Privacy protection

It is important that your privacy is protected.


On the other hand, many people have witnessed that the protection of personal information is not prioritized for public welfare such as public health. Even in "smart cities" that are being promoted around the world, personal information is scheduled to be used for various services on a data linkage platform in order to realize an optimized society. In the United States and other countries, solutions that use facial recognition data to prevent crimes are attracting attention.


Society, well-being and privacy.


In the age of big data, how much of the sharing of personal information should we allow that we should have at our hands? And how should organizations that handle personal information capture regulatory trends in this area of ​​extreme delicacy and rapid technological innovation?


Following the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Asian countries are also updating their laws for personal information protection. Discussions have begun on the federal-wide adoption of the "Biological Information Privacy Act," which is in force in some states of the United States.


RuleWatcher Enterprise also emphasizes this area, which will become more important in the future, and strives to visualize the legalizing process in the world.

Your Challenges

Your Challenges

RuleWatcher Enterprise also allows you to follow rule trends for specific issue areas that meet your needs.


Please feel free to contact us.

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