A participatory fair "Meet the B!" was held in Shibuya, Tokyo, on March 11, 2023, bringing together companies in Japan that have obtained the B Corp ™️ certification.
As is typical of B Corp, the event was initiated and executed entirely by "volunteers. The event, in which each company contributed ideas, labor, materials, and funds, was covered by many media outlets, and the 80-person capacity venue had to be rescheduled several times due to the large number of applications.
B Corp's movement of "Let's make a good company our standard" is steadily spreading in Japan.
【The article by inquire】(Japanese)
【Talk Session Archived Videos】(Partially English)
【Mr. Sugawara(from Public Good)'s blog, planner and manager of the event】(Japanese) https://note.com/publicgood/n/nbd566d1f1a26